The Untitled Ben Foster/Williams Burroughs Project explores an unusual love triangle between Burroughs (Foster), his unsung, brilliant, charismatic, common-law muse, Joan Vollmer (Stewart), and a young, straight-laced American ex-pat named Allerton (Glynn-Carney) who upends their lives to the extreme.
Burroughs (Junkie, Queer, Naked Lunch) is regarded as the primary literary outlaw of the 1950s, 60s and 70s; his books have influenced generations of writers, musicians and artists, and have consistently been distinguished as the most stolen paperbacks in the world. The film is based on his legendary early works and letters.
Cast & Crew
Ben Foster | Hell or High Water, LEAVE NO TRACE, Harry Haft |
Kristen Stewart | The Twilight Saga, PERSONAL SHOPPER, CHARLIE’S ANGELS |
Tom Glynn-Carney | Dunkirk, TOLKIEN, THE KING |
DIRECTOR | Ben Foster |
SCREENPLAY | Ben Foster & Oren Moverman |
PRODUCERS | Wren Arthur Ken Kao Oren Moverman |
INTERNATIONAL SALES | Celluloid Dreams |